TALOS Scripting Language

TALOS Scripting Language is created for designing the super-system (system of multiple optimization models) on TALOS Computation Server.

  • Each global variable is declared and initialized with the keyword var.
  • Steps are initialized with step command. Steps are defined in the format: step {from}->{to} in which to represent the model that’s going to be run within this sequence. Steps are finalized with the command end step.
  • Two kinds of tasks are defined in TALOS Scripting Language: Global and Local (inside a step). These tasks are typically overriding or manipulating a global variable, (part of) data file and parameter with another asset. When it comes to using tabular data files, file name is written after the model name and dollar sign ‘$‘. And file sections are defined using square brackets ‘[ .. , .. ]‘ just after the file name.
  • Global tasks are defined with the keyword task.

  • Local tasks are defined with the keywords pretask and posttask inside a step. Pretasks are performed before running the model while posttasks are performed after the model run.

  • Loops are defined with the command loop while(condition). And loop structure is finalized with end loop command. Nested loops are fully supported.

  • Super-system is run with the command run.
  • In order to save the super-system design the command write is used.
  • The command performJSON is used to run the super-system design previously saved.
  • Nothing is lost during the super-system runs on TALOS Computation Server. The command trace will display all previous and the present values of global variables.
  • Now let’s see a working script written in TALOS language.